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Special Issue: Collaborative Learning and Automatic Pattern Mining to Support Intelligent Informa

Submission Due Date


Guest Editors

Aleksandar Karadimche, University of Information Science and Technology UIST "St. Paul the Apostle," Republic of Macedonia

Reshu Agarwal, AIIT, Amity University, India

Xiaoqing Yin, National University of Defense Technology, China


With the rapid development of various information and communication technologies, more and more data are generated from massive information platforms, such as instant messenger, e-mail, online education platforms, teleconferencing suites, social media platforms and the Internet of Things (IoT). In some information platforms, the data are produced from massively distributed nodes, especially the web-based platforms and the Internet of Things. Imp r o v i n g the quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) is a critical and emergent issue in these platforms. E- collaboration technologies make the applications and services based on distributed information platforms possible. However, it still meets how to mine minor critical information among massive data to implement the applications and services to be intelligent. According to the learnt model, pattern recognition and mining can find common behaviours from massive historical data and predict users' future behaviours. Combining collaborative learning and pattern mining can significantly improve the QoS and QoE of the information platforms.


This special issue is expected to spur further research and development of a combination of collaborative learning and automatic pattern mining to enhance and implement intelligent information platforms. It will provide a unique opportunity for researchers in academia and practitioners in the industry to contribute their recent works about collaborative learning and automatic pattern mining based intelligent applications.

Recommended Topics

  • Novel architecture, algorithms, model and protocol designs for intelligent information platforms

  • Collaborative learning paradigm towards intelligent information platform

  • Collaborative learning paradigm based on emerging sensing and collecting technologies

  • Collaborative learning, data mining, statistical modeling, and machine learning for intelligent information platforms

  • Automatic pattern mining and recognition algorithms for intelligent information platforms

  • AI-based networking and computing approaches in intelligent information platforms

  • Collaboration technologies for smart applications, e.g., instant messenger, e-mail, online education platform, teleconferencing suites, social media platform and Internet of Things (IoT)

  • AI-based solutions for intelligent information platforms, such as smart sensors, wearables devices, web of things

  • Data-centric management for intelligent information platforms

  • Other smart applications based on collective learning or AI in intelligent information platforms

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Collaborative Learning and Automatic Pattern Mining to Support Intelligent Information Platforms on or before May 10th, 2022. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:

Aleksandar Karadimche

Reshu Agarwal

Xiaoqing Yin Guest Editors International Journal of eCollaboration (IJeC) Email:;;

I'm inviting you to publish in this highly reputable International Journal of eCollaboration (IJeC)

Assistant Professor, Aleksandar Karadimche, PhD

Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences

University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle”- Ohrid


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